Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Remember guys… What is Making Appointment?

Hy Putra,,lagi ngapain?
Oh…ngk lagi ngapain2 qo…emank nya kenapa?
Ehmm…ntar malam da acara ngk?
Kaya nya sich ngk da,,emank nya kenapa sich…
Aku mw ngajak kamu nonton? Mau ngk,,soal nya ntar malam tch da film yang bagus……
Ehm gimana ya,,,,ya udah deh,ntar malam
Ok dch jam 07.00 yach,,bye

Nah itu dia yang namanya Making appointment….
Itu Cuma sebagian kecil aza,,,
Penasaran mw tw yang laen nya,,,
Ya udah baca aza pembahasan lebih lanjut tentang Appointment…..

Appointment is something with a greemet together form other person.


Making an appointment is making a plan to do something with someone or people for now and future.

Example formal:

I’d like to make an appointment with….(mr.Adit)
I want to make an appointment to see …..(mrs.Fryska),etc

Example in-formal:

Can I come and see you?
What about…(Saturday)?,etc

Accepting an appointment:

All right,see you there..
No problem,I’m free on….(Friday)
It’s a deal,etc

Canceling an appointment:

I’m sorry,I’m very busy
I’m terribly sorry,I have to putt of my appointment,etc

Changing an appointment:

What about….(Monday at 09.00 a.m)?
Is that ok! If we meet at 19.00 tomorrow evening?,etc

Example dialogue:

After school….!

Fryska: Yuli,I have a serious problem
I need to talk you
Could we meet today?
Yuli: what time..?
Fryska: after the session
Yuli : ok! I’ll be there

-All about making appointment-

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